Client Services Salesforce

Relate a Client Note to More Records

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Multiple items are regularly addressed during Client Sessions. As a result, you may want to relate your Client Note to these items.

  • You are able to relate the client note to Cases (Incidents) if you addressed a particular infraction or strike during your session.
  • You are able to relate the Client Note to Case Plans if you addressed a specific goal or action item during your session.
  • You are able to relate the client note to Service Deliveries if you delivered specific services such as passes, MARTA Cards, and Referrals and have already created them in the system.

This article describes how to create relate a Client Note to More Records.

You are able to Relate the Records all at once, but for the purposes of training, we will break them up across type.

1. From the bottom of the Client Note, click Relate to More Records.

Cases (Incidents)

2. Set the Dropdown to Case.

3. Search for and select the correct Incident.

4. Click Create.

5. Click Done.

Your Client Note has now been related to the Incident.

Case Plans

2. Set the Dropdown to Case Plan.

3. Search for and select the correct Case Plan.

4. Click Create.

5. Click Done.

Your Client Note has now been related to the Case Plan.

Service Deliveries

2. Set the Dropdown to Service Delivery.

3. Search for and select the correct Service Delivery.

4. Click Create.

5. Click Done.

Your Client Note has now been related to the Service Delivery.



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