At times, Services Staff may want to save time writing their note and ensure it meets case management or clinical standards. In cases like this, there is a template available to help write your note.
This article describes how to use a Template to write your note.
From the second page of the Client Note.
1. Click the Note Templates field.
2. Select the type of Session template you would like to use.
3. Identify the bold and italicized text in the template and edit it accordingly.
If multiple options are provided, highlight the incorrect options and delete those items.
If placeholder text is provided, highlight it and type in the correct information.

4. Click Next.
If you'd like to view your note immediately, click View Note. Otherwise, click Finish.
Your note has now been created! You can find it either on the Client's Contact record under Client Notes or on their active Program Engagement under Client Notes.
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