Development and Volunteer Services

Acknowledging Donations

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When a major or corporate donor makes a donation, it's important to express our gratitude through a formal acknowledgment. Afterward, the donation should be recorded in Salesforce to ensure proper tracking and follow-up.

You may learn about donations needing acknowledgment through an automatic Salesforce email or by checking the Unacknowledged Donations report on your High Engagement Dashboard.

Unacknowledged Donations Report

1. Click on the Account Name.

2. Review the last Activity type with the donor.

3. Choose the best way to reach out to the donor this time.

Don't forget to review the donor's communication preferences on the contact.

4. Contact the donor to acknowledge the donation.

Typical methods of communication for acknowledging the donation are a phone call, email, text message, or a thank you note.

5. Return to the Unacknowledged Donations report.

6. Click on the Opportunity Name.

7. Select the Date of Acknowledgement.

8. Select the Type of Acknowledgement.

9. Type the Acknowledgement Notes.

10. Click Next.

The Opportunity is now marked as Acknowledged with the correct Acknowledgement Date and the Acknowledgement shows in the Account Activity.

Large Gift Email

1. Click on the Account url.

2. Review the last Activity type with the donor.

3. Choose the best way to reach out to the donor this time.

Don't forget to review the donor's communication preferences on the contact.

4. Contact the donor to acknowledge the donation.

Typical methods of communication for acknowledging the donation are a phone call, email, text message, or a thank you note.

5. Return to the Large Gift Email.

6. Click on the Donation url.

7. Select the Date of Acknowledgement.

8. Select the Type of Acknowledgement.

9. Type the Acknowledgement Notes.

10. Click Next.

The Opportunity is now marked as Acknowledged with the correct Acknowledgement Date and the Acknowledgement shows in the Account Activity.

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