From the Client's Contact Page, staff can see all details surrounding a client's demographics, health, income, insurance, faith, contact information, legal situation, recovery status, and more. Staff can also perform assessments, update case plans and goals, add files, view their medications, previous intakes, record drug screenings, and access their Program Engagement.
This article describes how to navigate the Contact Page as a Case Manager.
Highlights Panel
1. Client's Name.
2. Client's Photo: Currently a bug, hoping to have fixed soon.
3. Watchlist Icon: If a client has been found to be a risk to themselves or others within the last 2 weeks.
4. Age: Updated automatically based on their birthdate.
5. Phone: Their current phone number. If you click it, you can call them through RingCentral.
6. Email: Their current email. If you click it, Outlook should load and you can email them.
7. Last Infraction Notice #: The last Notice # for a Community Living Infraction. If they are approaching 6, a coaching conversation is warranted.
8. Site: The current campus site a client is living at.
9. Current Dorm: The current dorm a client is living in.
10. Current Bed: The current bed a client is assigned to.
11. Last Engagement Strike Notice #: The last Notice # for Engagement Strikes. If they are approaching 6, a coaching conversation is warranted.
12. Quick Action Buttons.
Program Engagements
You can view all active and past Program Engagements for a client.
13. Program Engagement Name: Always describes Program Phase - Campus Site Start Date: Client Name.
14. Start Date: The date the client started in that Program Phase.
15. End Date: The date the client ended within that Program Phase.
16. Stage: Shows what stage of the Program Phase the client is currently in.
17. Last Service Date: The last date a service was provided in this Program Phase such as a session, pass, MARTA card, referral, or class/group.
18. Related Records: Shows the number of related records for each type for that Program Engagement.
Client Notes
Currently experiencing bugs. Should be fixed soon.
22. Filter: You can filter what Client Notes you see based on dates.
23. Client Note Previews: You can preview each note without the need to click in. You'll only see the information you have access to.
24. Print: You can print all notes from here.
25: New Note: Currently has a bug, do not use. In future, you'll be able to create a new note right from the client's contact page.
Case Plans
26. Case Plan Name: Clickable to open the Case Plan.
27. Created Date: The date the Case Plan was created. Typically created right as a client enters a particular Program Phase.
29. Status: The status of the Case Plan (Not Started, In Progress, Abandoned, Completed)
30. Total Goals: How many goals are in that particular Case Plan.
31. Record Type: Controls which Assessment you view on the chart below. Only works for scored assessments (DLA and VTA).
32. Assessment Chart: Shows progress over time with scored assessments.
33. Start Date and End Date: Filters the time shown on the Assessment Chart.
34. Scroll down below the Graph.
35. Assessment Name: Clickable and leads to the individual Assessment Page.
36. Program Engagement: The Program Engagement the Assessment took place in.
37. Assessment Completed Date: The date the Assessment was completed.
38. Total Score: If the Assessment is a scored assessment, the total Score will appear here. (DLA and VTA).
39. New Assessment: Takes you to create a new Assessment.
These are specifically General Files accessible to all services staff. Clinical Files are coming soon.
40. Individual Files: Clickable to view.
41. View All: View all of the client's files if you don't see what you need in the preview.
42. Add Files: Add additional files to the client's general files.
43. You can view and edit all of a client's details surrounding demographics, contact information, health, recovery, income, insurance, recovery, legal info, faith, clothing, etc.
44. Bed Assignments: You can view all of a client's bed assignments and click through to learn more.
45. Scroll down.
46. Drug Screens: View a client's Drug Screens.
47. New Drug Screen(s): Record a new Drug Screen.
48. Medications: View a client's current and previous medications.
49. New: Add a new medication.
50. Jobs: View a client's jobs.
51: New: Create a new job.
51. Intakes: View all of a client's previous screenings and intakes. Helpful prior to meeting with a client for the first time.
52. Health Screenings: View all of a client's health screenings including TB questions and COVID Tests.
53. Client Alerts: View all current and previous client alerts.
54: New: Create a new Client Alert.
55. Children: View a client's children.
56. Click through to each individual child.
57. View All: If a client has more than 3 children, click View All to view all of a client's children.
58. New: If a client has a child join after they've gone through Screening and Intake, click New to create a new child.
59. Service Deliveries: View all service deliveries for a client for all time.
Right Sidebar
60. Client Alerts: View all current alerts for a client. Soon you'll be able to create a new client alert from here as well. This section will show whether or not they are banned, in a bed, have an allergy, are in quarantine, have completed intake, have an Expired TB test, or are deceased.
61. Incidents: View all incidents including Community Living Infractions, Engagement Strikes, General Incidents, COATS, @Work Write-Ups, and DFCS Cases. You are also able to create new Incidents from this section.

62. Children: All children that have stayed with the mother or guardian at Atlanta Mission.
63. Activities: You can view all text messages, phone call notes, tasks, and emails to and with a client as long as they have been logged in the system.

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