Development and Volunteer Services

3. Create a Grant Deliverable

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Deliverables are a crucial part of managing grant proposals and applications. They help us track whats required, who is responsible, due dates, and any specific organizational needs tied to the grant. By creating and updating deliverables, we can clearly outline tasks, monitor progress, and ensure we meet all requirements for a successful application.

This article will guide you through the process of creating a deliverable for a grant opportunity.

From the Opportunity Page

1. Hover over Deliverables.

2. Click New.

3. Type the Deliverable Name.

Use this format: Fiscal Year of delivery, Organization name, and Deliverable type. e.g. FY25 Test Bonnie Fdn Proposal

4. Enter the Due Date of the Deliverable.

5. Select the Due Date Priority.

  • Mandatory Due Date:A fixed deadline set by the granting organization.
  • Rolling Due Date:A flexible deadline allowing applications at any time.

6. Select the Type of Deliverable.

Examples of Type include:

  • Proposal
  • Application
  • Letter of Intent
  • Report
  • Grant Agreement
  • Final Report
  • Interim Report

Unique names may also be required by the organization.

7. If you have not yet started the Deliverable, leave the Status set to Not started. Otherwise, select In progress.

8. Select who the Deliverable should be Assigned To.

Include application link with login and password

9. Enter in any Organization Requirements for the Deliverable.

10. Click Save.

The Deliverable has been created and added to the Grant Deliverables by Status board.

Next Step, when it's time to start writing the proposal, or letter of intent, we need to change the Grant Deliverable status to In process.

Signed, Sealed, Deliverabled

Previous Article 2. Create a Grant Opportunity
Next Article 4. Marking a Grant as In Process