Client Services Salesforce

Understanding my Class Metrics

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The My Ambassador Performance dashboard helps you track your performance and meet role expectations. A key part of this is your class metrics, which track how often you're teaching classes and ensuring attendance is recorded accurately. These metrics are based on the attendance entered for classes where you are listed as a service provider. Understanding these metrics helps you stay on top of your teaching responsibilities and identify areas for improvement.

This article explains how to read and understand your class metrics.

The reports described below include all classes you've taught and the associated attendance data.

Life Skills and Recreational Classes

A class is considered taught by you if you are listed as either the primary or secondary service provider, and the attendance for that session has been submitted.

1. 📚Teach 1 Life Skills Class/Rec Opp Weekly (Last 30 Days): This tile shows the percentage of classes you actually taught in the last 30 days compared to the number you were expected to teach. Since the goal is one class per week, you're expected to teach 4 classes in 30 days.

2. 📚Teach 1 Life Skills Class/Rec Opp Weekly (This FY): This tile shows the percentage of classes you actually taught this FY compared to the number you were expected to teach.

Inform and Inspire Sessions

A session is considered led by you if you are listed as either the primary or secondary service provider, and the attendance for that session has been submitted.

3. ℹī¸ Lead Inform and Inspire Sessions Weekly (Last 30 Days): This tile shows the percentage of Inform and Inspire sessions you actually led in the last 30 days compared to the number you were expected to lead. Since the goal is one session per week, you're expected to lead 4 sessions in 30 days.

4. ℹī¸ Lead Inform and Inspire Sessions Weekly (This FY): This tile shows the percentage of Inform and Inspire sessions you actually led this fiscal year compared to the number you were expected to lead.

Client Devotionals

A devotional is considered led by you if you are listed as either the primary or secondary service provider, and the attendance for that devotional has been submitted.

5. 📖Lead Client Devotionals Min. Bi-Weekly (Last 30 Days): This tile shows the percentage of Client Devotionals you actually led in the last 30 days compared to the number you were expected to lead. Since the goal is one session every two weeks, you're expected to lead 2 Devotionals in 30 days.

6. 📖Lead Client Devotionals Min. Bi-Weekly (This FY): This tile shows the percentage of Client Devotionals you actually led this fiscal year compared to the number you were expected to lead.

Way to teach!


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