When a client shows signs they may be a risk to themselves or to others, we must create a risk assessment and safety plan with them to evaluate the risk and to prepare for when things may feel difficult for them.
This article describes how to create a Risk Assessment.
Begin from the client's Contact Page.
1. Click Assessments.
2. Scroll down and click New Assessment.
3. Select Risk Assessment.
4. Click Next.
Depending on your internet connection, it may take a few moments for the assessment you selected to load. During this time you will see dots on the screen. Keep waiting and it will load.
Depending on your answer to each question, more questions may appear.
5. Answer the Risk Assessment section questions.
7. Answer the Triggers section questions.
8. Click Next.
9. Answer the Interventions section questions.
10. Click Next.
11. Answer the Crisis Prevention section questions.
12. Click Next.
For this next section, you and the client will use either the trackpad or mouse for your computer, or if you have a touchscreen laptop, your touchscreen.
13. Have the client sign in Client Signature.
14. Sign where it says Staff Signature.
15. Click Next.
16. Press Click here to view and print your created records.
17. Click Print Safety Plan.
18. Print the page to the closest printer.
19. Give the printed Safety Plan to the client.
An alert has been sent to the client's team and campus leadership alerting them to the risk.
A second alert has been sent out to the entire campus to let them know that a client may be a risk to themselves or others and to stay alert.
Finally, a watchlist icon has been placed on the Contact page by the client photo.

Maurice Cunningham
Great information