Development and Volunteer Services

Cancel a Recurring Gift

Updated on

Donors may occasionally reach out by phone or email to cancel their recurring gift, even though they have the option to do so directly from their most recent recurring gift receipt.

For those who prefer assistance, this article explains how to cancel a recurring gift in Classy.

1. In your Classy Manager Account, click Transactions.

2. Click Recurring Giving Plans.

3. Search for the Donor's Name.

4. Press the Enter Key.

5. Scroll down to the list of Recurring Plans.

6. Click on the Recurring Plan you'd like to cancel.

7. Click Edit.

8. Click Cancel recurring giving plan.

9. Select the Reason for Cancellation.

10. Scroll down.

11. Click Yes, cancel plan.

The recurring gift has been cancelled and the donor has received an email notifying them of the cancellation.

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