Client Services Salesforce

May 4, 2016 - Updates (Role/Profile/Clean-up)

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Below are high-level notes of changes made in the database.  If you have additional questions or believe there is an issue, please contact your system administrator.

Refused to Provide Birthday

Added a new field "Refused to Provide Birthday" on contact record. This field should only be check in extreme cases that the client refuses to provide a birthday (i.e. paranoia).  We capture birthday information for reporting purposes as well as to be able to celebrate with our clients on their birthday.  

The validation rule for preventing clients from checking in if they have 1/1/1900 or blank birthday fields was updated to allow a check-in if the "Refused to Provide Birthday" checkbox is checked.  

Refused to Provide Birthday

Bed Assignment Check-Out Date

When we know a client will be in an assigned bed for more than a night's stay a checkout date is necessary to be populated.  However, they system was overwriting the checkout date with tomorrow's date upon creation.  We've updated the criteria to only update with tomorrow's date if the checkout date is blank.  Therefore, clients who may be assigned a bed more than a night's stay (i.e. volunteers) can be manually assigned a bed and have a future checkout date entered (i.e. 30 days out).

Bed Assignment Check-Out Date

Modified the Role Hierarchy

In order to hide client information by men and women's services, the role hierarchy was updated to provide a branch for each.  We also added Team in the role which will be used down the road to enable teams to share clients, notes, etc without other team's from seeing client's information not on their caseload.  This is specific to Needs Assessment and PSPs.

Modified the Role Hierarchy

To remove links related to men's services for women's services users and vice versa new layouts and links were created to remove unnecessary components. Below is an example of women's services quick link layout.  Note: Men's services is notated with ms and women's services is notated with ws.

Quick Link Layouts updated

Profile Updates

Modified field level security and object security based on user profiles which removed irrelevant fields from layouts and from user's view.  i.e.  client outcomes aren't necessary for a check-in user or sites should be viewed based on role hierarchy and note view all.

System Admin Notes

Objects deleted - Class, Class Registration, Class Attendance - during development decided to use the Campaign object instead of recreate an object to track classes.

Note: all users who need to register clients for classes will need to have "Marketing Users" checked on their user detail.