Client Services Salesforce

UAT - User Acceptance Testing

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What is UAT?

UAT is User Acceptance Testing

When asked to help with UAT, understand that this is a chance for you to help us improve the system.  In some instances, that means breaking it.  If you try to accomplish a normal task and it doesn't work or you expect one behavior and another happens, this is your opportunity to let us know.  

The last thing we EVER want to do is release a process that doesn't work.  Help us - help you.

Why am I logging into another system?

We don't want to release updates in our production (i.e. LIVE) database until all the bugs have been worked out.  Therefore, we log into a test environment or Sandbox as you may hear us reference.

Login to Test Environment

Login is at

Username: email
(i.e. [email protected])

Password: typically same as production

How do I know which database I'm in?

With the many distractions we have going on throughout our day, you may wonder if you are in the correct database to test. There are a few identifiers that you can look for to confirm you are testing or working in the proper environment.

Sandbox or Test

Contains cs20 in the web address.

Also has a black box in upper right corner that says "Sandbox: name of Sandbox"

Production or Live

Contains na77 in the web address

Login as Another User (Super Users)

If you are part of UAT testing, you will have access to potentially login as other users in the testing environments.

Log into the Test Environment

Locate Setup (top right corner)

Administration > Users > Users

I found an Issue, what now?

In order for system admins to address and fix the bug, we need to understand what steps you took to get to your issue.  You can send an email or create a word document (which ever is easiest). Include:

  1. A general Name of the Issue
  2. Who you were logged in as (self or another user)
  3. Steps you took (as specific as possible - i.e. clicked on client x name from home side bar, click New button under Progress Note)
  4. Include a screenshot (when or if possible).

How can I take a screenshot?

You can use the Print Screen button on your keyboard (prt sc on laptops - near F12 button).  This will capture the screen (or screens if you have 2 monitors). Other tools you can use include Jing or Snipping Tool

Jing (free)

May need System Admin permissions on your computer (contact leapfrog)

Snipping Tool (Windows Default)

Search Snipping Tool under windows icon - I've pinned it to my Taskbar.