Client Services Salesforce

January 23, 2023 - Quick Action Tabs, Approvals, Automated Caseload Assignments, Progression Assessment, and much much more

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A number of changes have been made to enhance the system and provide ease of use.  

Click below for quick access to each update.

Quick Access Page Tabs   l   Personas   l   Approvals   l   Automatic Enrollment Creation   l   Progression Assessment   l   Automatic Caseload Assignments   l   TPH Application and Screening   l   Client Allergies   l   Cold Weather Screening, Beds, and Enrollments   l   Children's Intake   l   VTA Evaluations

Quick Access Page Tabs

Applies to all users in Salesforce.

Tired of scrolling endlessly through the client's contact page in order to find the one piece of information you need? Have no fear, Quick Access Page Tabs are here.

Just above the client's photo, you will now find tabs that will help you easily locate different information like Income, Health, or Faith. Make sure to click the More tab to see what other tab goodies are hiding.


Applies to Intake Specialists, SW, CRS, Ambassadors, Advocates, Counselors, and Leaders.

What personality test is better than Myers Briggs, Disc, and the Enneagram combined? The persona eval!

The leadership team developed Personas to describe the highest presenting need a client has and the level of services we can provide them. Personas are recommended by the system at Screening and the Intake Specialist determines whether to accept the recommendation or change it. Once a client is accepted and assigned a bed, the Persona lives on the client's enrollment. See documentation here.

If a client shares additional information that would impact their highest presenting need or their level of services, any case manager can recommend a change in Persona. Leaders can review and approve that change. See documentation here for Case Managers. See documentation here for Leaders.


Applies to Ambassadors, FH/CH CRS and SW, Advocates, and Leaders.

Have a client that's ready to progress? (Woot!) Case managers can now recommend clients to the next enrollment phase in Salesforce (e.g. Choose Help to Make Progress). This process also enables the leader in each phase to review the approval, the most recent screening and Progression Assessment, and make their decision.

See documentation for case managers in FH or CH here. See documentation for advocates here. See documentation for Leaders here.

Be the first to email Bonnie Beauchamp a picture or video of a Tardigrade and win a prize.

Automatic Enrollment Creation

Applies to CLAs, CLLS, Intake Specialists, and Campus Admins.

Beep boop, beep boop. When a client has gone through screening and is then assigned a bed, an enrollment will automatically be created for them based on their persona and location.

At RH and TSI, clients with Lim. personas will have a FH enrollment created. Clients with Exp. personas will have a CH Enrollment created.

At MSH and TPH, clients will have an MP enrollment created.

Progression Assessment

Applies to FH CRS, SW, and CH Ambassadors.

If you'd like to stop gathering stacks of paper on your desk and walking to the scanner, the new Progression Assessment (formerly CH Needs Assessment) is now in Salesforce! The questions are conditional and may prompt you to answer additional questions.

A submission for approval to Make Progress cannot take place until a Progression Assessment has been filled out in the system. See documentation here.

Automatic Caseload Assignments

Applies to FH CRS and SW, CH Ambassadors, and the Substance team at MSH.  

It's electric! Doo doo dooo doo dooo doo doo dooo doo. When a client enters Find Hope or Choose Help after intake, they are now automatically assigned a case manager based on their Persona and the caseload count of each team member.

Clients with an Exp. persona are assigned to the Ambassador while clients with a Lim. persona are assigned to a CRS or SW. Clients who enter MSH with a Substance Exp. persona are automatically assigned to the Substance team. At times, an automatic caseload assignment will need to be changed manually. Learn how to do so here.

TPH Application and Screening

Applies to The Potter's House Intake Specialist, Community Living Leader, and Community Living Assistants.  

Whoooooooooooo are you? Who who who who.

This is a robust online application/mail application followed by a phone interview and an in-person screening. The new phone interview process guides the interviewer through all questions and surfaces eligibility issues quickly. If an applicant is denied, they'll receive an automated email with resources. If an applicant needs to provide additional documentation, an automated email is sent notifying them.

The In-Person Screening form surfaces any remaining eligibility issues. Upon approval and a bed assignment, a new Make Progress Enrollment is automatically created.

All data is displayed on a cohesive Bed and Risk Screen page that case managers can refer to at any point in working with a client.

See documentation here.

Be the first to email Hannah Stokes a picture or video of a Pangolin and win a prize.

Client Allergies

Applies to all users in Salesforce.

Achoo! Client Allergies are now enabled! At intake, all incoming clients can enter in whether or not they have allergies. If the client shares this later, staff can enter in a client's allergies. If the client has a nut allergy, we can also indicate this under their Meal Accommodations. See documentation here.

Cold Weather Screening, Beds, and Enrollments

Applies to CLAs and CLLs.

I said brr, clap clap, clap, it's cold in here clap clap, clap, clap. There must be some Toros in the atmosphere. Oh ee oh ee oh. Ice Ice Ice. (I just aged myself).

This is a new screening for cold weather clients in use at the downtown campuses. This screening ensures an applicant meets minimum eligibility prior to cold weather intake. Upon acceptance, cold weather clients sign off digitally on a basic community living agreement.

Cold Weather Cots have also been added as available beds in the system. When a cold weather client is assigned to a cold weather cot, a new cold weather enrollment automatically begins. As a result, we're able to track how many just how many individuals we've been able to serve during low temps!  See documentation here.

Be the first to email Bonnie a picture or video of an Axolotl and you'll get a prize.

Children's Intake

Applies to Children's Services staff.

Baby Shark doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo doo. (Had to do it).

To best serve newly arrived children and their mothers, we collect important information about them. After intake at RH, mothers receive an email to fill out the new Children's Intake form and e-sign waivers and releases. Children's Services staff also have Chromebooks setup for Children's Intake on site at both RH and MSH.

Once a mother has filled out a child's intake form, the Intake Flag at the top of the child's contact form turns green and all of their signed waivers and releases are stored in their Salesforce files.

See documentation here.

VTA Evaluations

Applicable to Vocational Training Managers.

As clients in Make Progress perform their vocational assignments each week, we need to evaluate and score their performance across some key areas -Communication, Conflict, Professionalism, Teamwork, and Time Management.

This weekly score is key in determining eligibility to move to JSW. A new VTA evaluation form has been implemented in Salesforce to capture this score weekly. See documentation here.

Until next time friends!